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Thursday, October 30, 2008

the pursuit of HAPPYness..

I have thought a lot about this post (not that it will be read all over the world-i'm not that famous, but because i have stopped my english lessons and i haven't spoken the language for some time).Well,i wanted to write something different and not just another movie review. Spark of my inspiration became the film "the pursuit of happiness". It was nominated for several awards and I must say that Will Smith is simply awsome!Don't miss it..

The question I have been thinking a lot lately is what is happiness and how can we become happy? Is it a good relationship that can give me this feeling? Could it be having good friends? A good relationship with my family? Or is it simply the sense of wholeness when everything is going fine which is when I don't have something to worry about?

A friend of mine once told me that we should feel happy only for being! We live without noticing we are alive, we are sure we will exist the next day and the next one and so on. Discussing this subject with all my classmates during our Philosofy class I realised that we should be happy that we have been given the chance to live and communicate other people sharing our thoughts and expressing our ideas. We should be thankful we have been born in advanced communities, where clean water and food are taken for granted.

We should be really thankful that we don't die from deseases such as cholera or other illnesses and that we are given the chance to be educated and pursue progress in our life!

So, don't complain all the time!Live your life as you want and if you trully believe in something it will become true even if it is seems impossible. Fate is in your hands!

NEVER GIVE UP YOUR DREAMS!Take risks and you won't regret it..

I wanted to share these thoughts with you because everyday I see ungrateful people. Ungrateful of what they had been given the day they first breathed. Don't forget that we have the chance to live only once and believe me, life is too small!The only thing we should worry about is our health. Did you know that stress can cause cancer?

Reading this post you might think "What the hell is she talking about?How should we not worry when we work all these hours and still our future is uncertain?". The answer is that we have to have hope. Everyone knows that the world's economics are going worse day after day but when we realise what the real meaning of life is, then we can be considered happy....

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Οδήγηση υπό την επήρροια αλκοόλ, μια πραγματική ιστορία.

Μαμά βγήκα με τους φίλους μου.
Πήγα σε ένα πάρτυ και θυμήθηκα αυτό που μου είχες πει, να μην
πιω αλκοόλ.
Μου είχες ζητήσει να μην πιω επειδή θα έπρεπε να οδηγήσω μετά,
έτσι ήπια ένα αναψυκτικό. Ήμουν περήφανη για μένα, γιατί είχα
ακούσει αυτό που τόσο γλυκά με είχες συμβουλεύσει πριν φύγω, να μην πιω αν πρέπει
να οδηγήσω, σε αντίθεση με αυτό που μου έλεγαν οι φίλοι μου.
Έκανα τη σωστή επιλογή! Η συμβουλή σου ήταν η σωστή.
Όταν το πάρτυ τελείωσε όλοι μπήκαν στα αυτοκίνητά τους χωρίς να είναι
σε θέση να οδηγήσουν. Εγώ πήρα το αμάξι μου. Ήμουν σίγουρη ότι
ήμουν καθαρή.
Δεν μπορούσα να φανταστώ μαμά αυτό που με περίμενε .....
Τώρα είμαι εδώ ξαπλωμένη στην άσφαλτο και ακούω έναν αστυνομικό να
λέει «το παιδί που προκάλεσε το δυστύχημα ήταν μεθυσμένο».
Μαμά η φωνή του ακούγεται τόσο μακρυνή.
Το αίμα μου είναι παντού στην άσφαλτο και εγώ προσπαθώ με όλες μου τις δυνάμεις να μην κλάψω.
Ακούω τους γιατρούς να λένε ότι αυτή η κοπέλα δεν θα τα
Είμαι σίγουρη ότι το άλλο παιδί που οδηγούσε δεν το είχε καν
φανταστεί όταν έτρεχε τόσο πολύ.
Στο τέλος, αυτός είχε αποφασίσει να πιει και εγώ τώρα πρέπει να
Γιατί το κάνουν αυτό μαμά? Αφού ξέρουν ότι θα καταστρέψουν ζωές?
Ο πόνος που νιώθω είναι σαν να με καρφώνουν χιλιάδες μαχαίρια.
Πες στην αδερφή μου να μην φοβηθεί, στον μπαμπά να είναι δυνατός.
Κάποιος έπρεπε να πει σε αυτό το παιδί ότι δεν έπρεπε να πιει αν
θα οδηγούσε.
Ίσως αν του το έλεγαν οι δικοί του όπως έκανες εσύ, τώρα να ήμουν
ζωντανή .....
Η ανάσα μου γίνεται όλο και πιο αδύνατη και αρχίζω να φοβάμαι
Αυτές είναι οι τελευταίες μου στιγμές και είμαι τόσο απελπισμένη.
Θα ήθελα τόσο να σε αγκαλιάσω μαμά....και να σου πω πόσο σε αγαπάω
Σε αγαπάω μαμά....αντίο!!!

Αυτές οι λέξεις γράφτηκαν από μια δημοσιογράφο που ήταν παρούσα σε
ένα δυστύχημα.
Η κοπέλα ενώ πέθαινε ψυθίριζε αυτές τις λεξεις και η δημοσιογράφος
τις έγραφε σοκαρισμένη.
Η ίδια δημοσιογράφος άρχισε μια εκστρατεία εναντίον της οδήγησης
υπό την επήρρεια Αλκοόλ.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την επίδραση του αλκοόλ στην οδήγηση δείτε αυτό το site

(Excuse my translation mistakes)
Mum, I went out with my friends.
I went to a party and remembered what you had told me, not to drink alcohol.
You had asked me not to drink because I would have to drive later and so I drank a refresher.
I was proud of myself; I had followed what you adviced me so sweetly before I left -not to drink if I had to drive- and not what my friends were telling me.
I made the right choice! Your advice was right.
When the party was over everyone got into their cars even though they couldn't drive.
I got into my car. I was sure I was sober.
Mum, I couldn't imagine what would come next....
Now I am here, lying on the road and listening to a policeman saying "the child that caused the accident was drunk".
Mum, his voice is so distant.
My blood is everywhere and I try with all my power not to cry.
I listen to the doctors saying that this girl won't make it.
I'm sure that the other child that was driving hadn't even imagined what would happen because of him driving so fast.
He had decided to drink and I am the one that has to die now.
Why are they doing this mum? Why are they doing this even if they know that they will destroy lives?
The pain feels like knives.
Tell my sister not to get frightened, tell dad to be strong.
Someone had to tell this child that he shouldn't have drunk if he was to drive.
If his parents had told him that, just like you did, I would be alive now....
Mum, my breath becomes more and more weak and I'm getting scared.
These are my last moments and I'm so desperate.
I want so much to hug you mum....and to tell you how much I love you.
I love you mum....goodbye!!!!

These words were written by a reporter that was present during an accident.
The girl was whispering these words while dying and the reporter was writting them shocked.
The same reporter started a campaign against driving under the influence of alcohol.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the brave one

Directed by Neil Jordan, The Brave One has become the best action-drama movie I have ever seen. It was released in 2007 and became immediately one of the movies that you had to see. It was only nominated for a Golden Globe, but this definitely doesn't mean it was awful. The main characters are played by Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard.

The plot is not that original. Jodie Foster is Erika Bain, a 30 year old woman working in a radio station, who is very soon to get married. One day she goes on a walk with her fiance and they are attacked by a gang in a park. As a result her boyfriend is killed and she is bitten until she passes out. When she recovers and finds out about her beloved's death she is totally shocked in the first place. After that she takes the law into her hands and buys a gun seeking for revenge. Will she be able to become the woman she had been before the attack or she will for ever be a stranger to herself? Watch this incredible film to find out.

What I trully loved in this film was Jodie Foster's acting. She was totally under the skin of her character, Erica. You were able to see the despair and anger in her eyes. She was just aussume. Of course, it would be a shame if we didn't mention Terrence Howard,who played the cap that helps Erica mentally and practically. Another thing I liked was the music. It wasn't original, but at least it suited the scenes very well. I shall also mention the directing, which I think made the movie that interesting and believable. As for the plot, well it wasn't something new, it was the same old story, but still this story has become a classic.

I shall recommend it mainly to adults and definitely not to children or young teenagers, because some scenes are very violent nad brutal. On the other hand if you love action movies, thrillers and lot of drama this is the perfect movie for you. So, enjoy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

bridget jones the edge of reason

Three years after Bridget Jones's diary the sequel came out in theaters. Bridget Jones: The edge of reason is as clever and funny as the first one and was nominated for several awards.
. Renee Zellweger accompanied by Hugh Grant and Colin Firth is once again outstanding.

In this movie we find Bridget in a relationship with Mark. The situation is that Bridget feeling insecure because of her extra weight messes up every time they go out with other lawyers and they break up. Feeling sad and lonely she accepts a work with her hot ex-boyfriend in Tayland. When there she is accused for drug dealing and ends up in jail.

I actually kind of liked it. The plot wasn't as good as it was in the first movie but it still had funny moments. Who I like most was Renee Zellweger who got into the flesh of it. I loved the way she was embarassing herself; she did it in a so amusing way!Hugh Grant was also good as the sexy ex. Lastly I liked a lot Colin Firth in the role of cute Mark who loves Bridget no matter what her physical condition was.

Finally I should recommend it to all. It's romantic, it's funny, it's clever,actually it can make your day!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

HARRY POTTER and the goblet of fire (book VS movie)

When a best seller becomes a film everyone wonders whether it will be better or worse than the original work. The same thing happened when Harry Potter books became movies. Recently, I read and watched the 4th one and I must say I found both similarities and differences.

Well, the main differences had to do with the plot,as many parts of the book weren't put in the film, i suppose because of the time limit;you cannot expect a 500-pages book to fit in a 3-hour movie with every single detail. But the gaps were so well hidden that only the readers could tell the difference, something that reveals the quality of the film.

On the other hand I must say I was very impressed, because even if I had seen and liked the previous films, I was concerned about that one as things get more complicated;we have more characters and more ation. Watching it I realised I was wrong to worry as it was so good as the book. The music, and the excellent sets were fascinating and made me feel just like I felt during reading.

The trouth is that no matter how much I liked the movie, I shouldn't try to compare it with the book as reading lets you create a world with your imagination. On the other hand I have to admit that the movie was amazingly good!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Gregory's girl is Scottish movie that was filmed in 1982 and has won one BAFTA award and some others. But don't be impressed because it isn't as good as you might think. Gordon John Sinclair plays Ggregory and Dee Hepburn Dorothy. Thankfully it lasts only 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The plot has to do with a teenage boy, Gregory, that plays in his school's football team as a goalkeeper but is not good at all. Then, there is an odition for new players and eventually a girl joins the team. Gregory falls for her and asks her out but then she doesn't come to the date and he goes for a walk with other girls and then it finishes.

That is what happens in the film. As you can see the story doesn't end. I mean I would prefer it to be longer but have a plot that would make sense. On the other hand it is very boring with only one or two funny moments but this is still not enough. As for the acting I can't judge the actors because I think that the script is very bad written and the characters are dreadful. I don't know if it was the scottish accent or the bad movie quality but as you might have noticed I didn't like it.

Finally I don't recommend it to anyone because you won't like it either. The only people who can enjoy it are those who are reminded of when they were at this age. And take my advice and never watch a film whose trailer doesn't give you an idea of the story.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

doctor zhivago

Directed by David Lean, "Doctor Zhivago" is an epic movie based on Pasternak's novel. It was filmed in Russia, Spain, Finland and Canada in 1965 and although it is long -it lasts 3 hours- it impressed me as I don't expect old movies to be so good. The movie won many awards including 5 oscars,and was nominated for more.

The plot is set in the 1950's when the General Yevgraf Zhivago (Alec Guinness) narrates his brother's life story to a girl to find out if she's his niece. The story mainly is that Yuri Zhivago(Omar Sharif), famous poet and doctor, despite the fact he is married, falls in love with a revolutionare's wife during the Russian Revolution. This woman's name is Anna Antipova(Julie Christie). Will they overcome all the problems and will they eventually live happily ever after? Watch the film to find out.

As I mentioned before, I was a bit impressed as I didn't expect a so old movie to be that good. The movie was about the Russian Revolution and I must say that when it had to do with war it seemed real due to the special effects. Also, the acting was amazing as Omar Sharif, who's really handsome by the way, and Julie Christie got under the skin of it. I should also mention the music created by Maurice Jarre that suited every scene absolutely perfect and was the main reason I liked so much the film. Lastly it would be a shame of me not to talk about the plot and I feel I should congratulate not only the novel writer who's job was amusing, but also those who made it a film.

The only thing I didn't like was that it lasted hours and hours and somewhere in the middle it became boring.

So I do recommend it to adults but not to children because I'm sure they will find it boring. As for you that have decided to watch it, follow my advice and take a break in the middle so that you will be able to enjoy the other half that is the best part of the whole movie.

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